How to give Love Life and Eternal Friendship? Give a Purrcard!

A Purrcard enables your loved one to adopt a Purrfriend of their dreams!

Pet Promise

Pet gift for a holiday holds a special treat for family or a child and we certainly recognize that.

Why is a Purrcard better than an actual pet?

1. It allows the recipient to participate in the selection process of the actual pet. Adoption is a long-term commitment and all the family members should be involved in finding the purrfect kitty.

2. Holidays are a busy time of the year. Everyone is involved in festivities and there is a great deal of traveling and visiting which is what makes the Holidays so great. But it is not so great for a new cat. All the commotion is very stressful and can interfere and delay adjustment.
Adoption is a love affair and it involves spending time with your new friend and getting to know each other. Best is to wait for a quiet time after all the celebrating to bring the kitty in.

3. Cats are not returnable merchandise!